Kristie Holden headshot - smiling and wearing floral shirt.

Kristie Holden Presents...


Learn how to create a compelling marketing message that converts.


What You'll Learn In This FREE Masterclass:

  • The biggest mistakes companies make when trying to create their marketing message that causes your target buyer to ignore it.
  • My step-by-step method on how to communicate the value of your product or service in a way that prospects get so they take action.
  • The same lessons my clients use that have helped them transform their marketing message from confusing to compelling.
  • How this process has helped my clients increase engagement, close more deals, and focus their marketing strategy.
Adam R T Smith Headshot

"Before, people would see our website and say it wasn’t clear what we do. Now I can say I know who our ideal customer is, and what we help them do, and I’ve never been able to articulate that so clearly."

- Adam R.T. Smith, Co-Founder of Tension

Customer Testimonial Headshot - Diego Alvarado

"I've already seen this improving our marketing strategy, company strategy, and where we should focus with the product."

- Diego Alvarado, Founder of Team Coaches

Erin Taylor Headshot

"The benefits I’ve noticed so far have been aligning around our target market, fine-tuning our messaging, and figuring out the right questions to ask to figure out our future feature set."

- Erin Taylor, Co-Founder of MetaSpace

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© Kristie Holden Consulting